Friday, January 19, 2018

Lineville Again

As the name implies, Lineville, Iowa sits on the border of Missouri and Iowa.  I've posted a photo from this town on the blog back in March or April.  The post office I posted sits just to the left of this group of buildings.  I think that if you printed out the two photos, got a pair of scissors and a straightedge you could probably seamlessly connect the two images to create a panorama of downtown Lineville.  The scale might be a little off, but I was doing my best.  Once again, I found myself fascinated with the brick architecture that the average midwesterner drives by every day and ignores.  And of course, the interaction between the aged, detailed, patina-rich brickwork and the bright, empty negative space of the sky above is also a visual beguilement.  To me, at least.

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